Tuesday, March 30
Maxine Carriker Floyd Passes
THOMASVILLE-Maxine Carriker Floyd, 86, passed Monday, March 29, 2010, at her home in Thomasville. Wake & Funeral information: Wednesday from 2 until 3 p.m. at First United Methodist Church in Thomasville. Funeral service will follow at 3 p.m.; Rev. Chris Uren officiating. Interment will be at Holly Hill Memorial Park. Born June 5, 1923, in Davidson County to the late Wiley and Frances Carriker. Preceded in death by her husband, Ciscero Floyd; sisters, Ruby Tyler and Zona Skeen; brothers, James Carriker and Wiley Carriker. Survived by her caregivers, daughter, Patsy Coe, and beloved son-in-law, Larry.
Sunday, March 28
Hayworth & Briles...Linked Together!

The Hayworth's are linked to the Briles Surname through marriage of course, but in two ways. Raymond and Red's mother was Mary Emma Hepler Hayworth. Her lineage dates back to Christopher Friederich Hepler (her great grandfather) who had two sons: Phillip, her grandfather and Christopher (great uncle). Christopher had a son named John Hepler who married Hannah Briles, daughter of Jacob & Susanna Plummer Briles.
The second link is via "Red" and Raymond's sister Alice Hayworth who married Ernest Macon. His parents are Ashworth & Flora Spencer Macon whose parents are Michael & Anna Jane Hill Spencer. These fine folks had a daughter, Roxanna, who married my very own Joseph Lafayette Briles! Are you keeping score?
Dermont Alexander Beck Dies
LEXINGTON-Dermont Alexander Beck, age 92, passed Saturday, March 27 at his home. Wake: Two hours before the service. Funeral service will be 4:00 pm Tuesday, March 30 at Davidson Funeral Home Chapel; Dr. Maria Copeland and Rev. Butch Conrad officiating. Burial will follow in Holly Grove Lutheran Church Cemetery. Born March 3, 1918 in Davidson County to Thurman Cleveland Beck and Minnie Foust Beck. Veteran: U.S. Army Veteran of World War II, serving in the 949th Field Artillery Batallion. Preceded in death by brothers and sisters, Goldie Hedrick, Clyde Beck, Fred Beck, Treva Hedrick, Martha Frank, George Beck, Paige Nance, Darland Beck, Hoy Beck and Helen Plummer. Survived by his wife of almost 63 years, Gladys Fritts Beck of the home, daughters, Donna Kepley and husband Larry and Marie Palmer and husband James, all of Lexington, brother, Wayne Bryce Beck and wife Mary Sue of the Midway Community and sisters Lois Gallimore of Denton and Sadie Peacock of Lexington. He is also survived by 3 grandchildren, Ben Palmer and wife Angela, Laurie Kepley and Bryon Palmer and wife Carrie and 3 great-grandchildren, Ellie, Anna and Rebecca.
Friday, March 26
Pierce Chapel Baptist Church Cemetery
The Briles Information Network, in conjunction with the Randolph Project , is proud to post yet another transcribed cemetery in the county. Pierce Chapel Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery has been transcribed and photographed. You can view photos of grave markers, directions to the cemetery and the index. Next up in the series will be Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church.
Saturday, March 20
Mystery Solved?

The story is that Wesley was killed in a saw mill accident in 1901 before Tennyson was born. Julia Hunt gave her maiden name to Tennyson because Wesley was killed before they were married. It was a known fact that Wesley was his father, but verification is needed from reliable sources. The BIN has always believed that family information outweighs any other source, especially during that time period. Danita has located a picture believing to be Wesley, which hung in Tennyson's living room. This photograph was given to him by Mary Elizabeth Briles Hoover, who is the brother of Wesley Briles (verified).
Danita has since contacted the BIN with the photograph of Wesley in search of further verification. The BIN believes Wesley Briles is buried at Poplar Ridge Friends Meeting since the majority of the family is buried there. Overall, the BIN believes there is enough evidence to support the claim that Wesley Briles is Tennyson Hunt's father, however we want to assist Danita in seeking additional information for this lineage. If you have any information regarding the lineage or Wesley H. Briles, Tennyson Hunt or Julia E. Hunt Garren please contact the BIN.
Thursday, March 18
Michael Craig Briles Passes
ARCHDALE-Michael Craig Briles, 57, passed Tuesday March 16, 2010, at Annie Penn Hospital in Reidsville. Wake: Sechrest Funeral Service on Friday, March 19, 2010 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Funeral services Saturday, March 20, 2010, at 11:00 a.m. in the Sechrest Funeral Chapel in Archdale; Reverend Kenneth Welborn officating. Interment will follow in Floral Garden Park Cemetery. Born May 19, 1952, in High Point a son of the late Russell Rae and Nona Thomas Briles. Survived by his wife, Sarah Yow Briles of the home; two sons, John Russell Briles and wife Becky of High Point, Michael Corey Briles of the US Territory of Guam; three step-sons, Robert C. Blakley and wife Chelsea of Archdale, Cory L. Blakley of Greensboro, Johnny R. Yow and wife Della of Reidsville; one grandson, Matthew Craig Briles and 10 step-grandchildren.
Monday, March 15
Inez Skeen Pierce Passes Away
ASHEBORO-Inez Skeen Pierce, age 76, passed Monday, March 15, 2010 at Randolph Hospital, Asheboro. Wake: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 from 6:00-8:00 PM at Pugh Funeral Home. Graveside service will be Wednesday, March 17, 2010 at 2:00 PM in Randolph Memorial Park; Dr. Vern Peterson officiating. Native of Randolph County, born August 23, 1933 to the late Noah W. Skeen and Bessie L. Beasley Skeen. Preceded in death by her daugher Celeste Carol Pierce. Survived by her husband, Lacy E. Pierce; sons, Eric Pierce and his wife Rita of Henderson, NC, Brian Pierce and his wife Donna of Denton, NC; daughter, Angela Talley and her husband Johnny of Denton, NC; grandchildren, Andrew, Callie and Krista Pierce; step grandchildren, Jodi Hearn and Jessica Talley; brothers, Alvah Lee Skeen of Asheboro, NC, Howard Skeen of Asheboro, NC; and sister, Mattie Ward of Randleman, NC.
Saturday, March 13
Article by R.T. Briles
Curator, Briles Information Network
Earlier this week I was listening to Glenn Beck on the radio who was coming out of a commercial break. [My choices were Neal Bortz, Beck, or the four-in-a-row local music stations]. I left the dial sitting on Beck as he was raving about the 2010 Census, which of course caught my attention since I kinda like that genealogy stuff ya know.
Anyone who listens to Beck understands his talking points and his ability to raise a crisis, laugh about it, and move on to the next topic. After the continuous commercial plugs, constant interruptions, and his wife on the phone, Beck finally conveyed his complaint about the pending census which will arrive to all of us within the next few weeks. Beck let everyone in America know (he is the “3rd Most Listened to Show”--his words not mine) that he was not going to fill out the 2010 Census. Beck insists that the 2010 Census contains too many invasive questions and his privacy will be compromised if he completes the form.
Now anyone who has met me or has read my writing about privacy rights understands that I'm an ultra-conservative Republican. Protector of the Constitution and adamant about our protecting our rights as citizens of our great land. Could Beck's argument be centered around the privacy issue or is it because of the Obama Factor?
If you remember one of the first acts President Obama (within first three weeks) did was to transfer the oversight of the 2010 census from the Department of Commerce to the White House, i.e. Rahm Emanuel. Certainly this raised a few eyebrows and set off a firestorm in the GOP. What we have learned so far in this administration the actions are all about power and control, not about counting numbers. Some insisted that ACORN would be playing a vital role in the process of collecting census data, however this has been dispelled by Census Director Robert M. Groves. In June of 2009 Rep. Michele Bachmann echoed Beck's comments by refusing to fill out the census and believes the upcoming census to be "very intricate" and "very personal" and expresses concerns about ACORN's involvement in the data collection. Rep. Bachmann references the United States Constitution, which I will dive into in the next paragraph. Let it be known here that I believe the actions of the President is about total power and control, from the banks, the auto industry, to our health care system. But should the “Obama Factor” persuade you in fulfilling your obligation as a citizen?
OK, here comes the short history lesson for this article. Article I, Section 2 of our constitution reads: “The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.” The purpose of the census is to apportion the number of seats in the House of Representatives and derived from that, along with two senators from each state, the number of electors to the Electoral College. Simple eh? If you take a look at the 2010 Census, there are only ten questions with the first one satisfying Article 1 Section 2: “How many people were living or staying at this house, apartment or mobile home on April 1, 2010?” Being the “ultra-conservative” Republican I' am you think my form would have one check and the rest of the boxes unchecked. Beck and Bachmann will probably line their kitty litter box with the Census form, ignoring the threat of a fine by those pesky door knockers (The census even wants a telephone number if you forget a box). But let's look at the 2010 Census and see if any of the questions look familiar to you...the genealogist.
1.How many people were living or staying at this house, apartment or mobile home on April 1, 2010?
2.Were there any additional people here April 1, 2010 that you didn't include in Question 1?
3.Is this house, apartment, or mobile home--(it asks if either is owned, has a mortgage, or is free and clear from same, has a rent or is occupied without rent.
4.What is your telephone number?
5.What is the First and Last Name of everyone living in this residence?
6.What is the person's sex?
7.What is the person's age and date of birth?
8.Is the person Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
9.What is the person's race?
10.Does anyone sometimes live or stay somewhere else?
Now looking at this list I have highlighted the ones that are questionable, but the rest are innocuous. Take a look at the image below from the 1900 census. As you can see the “innocuous” questions were asked then just like today. In fact, most or all of these questions have been asked by the government since 1790.

Sec. 221. Refusal or neglect to answer questions; false answers:
(a) Whoever, being over eighteen years of age, refuses or willfully neglects, when requested by the Secretary, or by any other authorized officer or employee of the Department of Commerce or bureau or agency thereof acting under the instructions of the Secretary or authorized officer, to answer, to the best of his knowledge, any of the questions on any schedule submitted to him in connection with any census or survey provided for by subchapters I,II, IV, and V of chapter 5 of this title, applying to himself or to the family to which he belongs or is related, or to the farm or farms of which he or his family is the occupant, shall be fined not more than $100.
As a amateur genealogist I value the power of the census. The census has solved numerous issues during difficult research periods and corroborated other sources such as death records and obituaries. As a conservative I also value my privacy and the desire to protect my identity when I'm still on this planet. The current system allows public viewing of the United States Census seventy-two years after the process takes place. In short, we still have two years left before we can view the 1940 census. If the 2010 Census, in it's short form, mirrors the census from the 1800's I believe the privacy argument is flawed if the same or even more information is provided when you send in that yearly 1040 Tax Form?
In closing, I don't believe the White House has ACORN waiting around the corner to slap that $100 fine if you fail to answer the census in its entirety. Glenn Beck will answer at least question one, which is mandated by the Constitution. If you are reading this article then you have some interest in genealogy and the preservation of family history. The census is a valuable research tool and your privacy is protected by the laws in place. The 2010 census will not be available to the public until 2082. Hopefully, by then, our great land will be returned back to the it's people.
Sources: Image provided by United Census: 1900
2010 Census: http://2010.census.gov/2010census/
Curator, Briles Information Network
Earlier this week I was listening to Glenn Beck on the radio who was coming out of a commercial break. [My choices were Neal Bortz, Beck, or the four-in-a-row local music stations]. I left the dial sitting on Beck as he was raving about the 2010 Census, which of course caught my attention since I kinda like that genealogy stuff ya know.
Anyone who listens to Beck understands his talking points and his ability to raise a crisis, laugh about it, and move on to the next topic. After the continuous commercial plugs, constant interruptions, and his wife on the phone, Beck finally conveyed his complaint about the pending census which will arrive to all of us within the next few weeks. Beck let everyone in America know (he is the “3rd Most Listened to Show”--his words not mine) that he was not going to fill out the 2010 Census. Beck insists that the 2010 Census contains too many invasive questions and his privacy will be compromised if he completes the form.
Now anyone who has met me or has read my writing about privacy rights understands that I'm an ultra-conservative Republican. Protector of the Constitution and adamant about our protecting our rights as citizens of our great land. Could Beck's argument be centered around the privacy issue or is it because of the Obama Factor?
If you remember one of the first acts President Obama (within first three weeks) did was to transfer the oversight of the 2010 census from the Department of Commerce to the White House, i.e. Rahm Emanuel. Certainly this raised a few eyebrows and set off a firestorm in the GOP. What we have learned so far in this administration the actions are all about power and control, not about counting numbers. Some insisted that ACORN would be playing a vital role in the process of collecting census data, however this has been dispelled by Census Director Robert M. Groves. In June of 2009 Rep. Michele Bachmann echoed Beck's comments by refusing to fill out the census and believes the upcoming census to be "very intricate" and "very personal" and expresses concerns about ACORN's involvement in the data collection. Rep. Bachmann references the United States Constitution, which I will dive into in the next paragraph. Let it be known here that I believe the actions of the President is about total power and control, from the banks, the auto industry, to our health care system. But should the “Obama Factor” persuade you in fulfilling your obligation as a citizen?
OK, here comes the short history lesson for this article. Article I, Section 2 of our constitution reads: “The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.” The purpose of the census is to apportion the number of seats in the House of Representatives and derived from that, along with two senators from each state, the number of electors to the Electoral College. Simple eh? If you take a look at the 2010 Census, there are only ten questions with the first one satisfying Article 1 Section 2: “How many people were living or staying at this house, apartment or mobile home on April 1, 2010?” Being the “ultra-conservative” Republican I' am you think my form would have one check and the rest of the boxes unchecked. Beck and Bachmann will probably line their kitty litter box with the Census form, ignoring the threat of a fine by those pesky door knockers (The census even wants a telephone number if you forget a box). But let's look at the 2010 Census and see if any of the questions look familiar to you...the genealogist.
1.How many people were living or staying at this house, apartment or mobile home on April 1, 2010?
2.Were there any additional people here April 1, 2010 that you didn't include in Question 1?
3.Is this house, apartment, or mobile home--(it asks if either is owned, has a mortgage, or is free and clear from same, has a rent or is occupied without rent.
4.What is your telephone number?
5.What is the First and Last Name of everyone living in this residence?
6.What is the person's sex?
7.What is the person's age and date of birth?
8.Is the person Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
9.What is the person's race?
10.Does anyone sometimes live or stay somewhere else?
Now looking at this list I have highlighted the ones that are questionable, but the rest are innocuous. Take a look at the image below from the 1900 census. As you can see the “innocuous” questions were asked then just like today. In fact, most or all of these questions have been asked by the government since 1790.

Sec. 221. Refusal or neglect to answer questions; false answers:
(a) Whoever, being over eighteen years of age, refuses or willfully neglects, when requested by the Secretary, or by any other authorized officer or employee of the Department of Commerce or bureau or agency thereof acting under the instructions of the Secretary or authorized officer, to answer, to the best of his knowledge, any of the questions on any schedule submitted to him in connection with any census or survey provided for by subchapters I,II, IV, and V of chapter 5 of this title, applying to himself or to the family to which he belongs or is related, or to the farm or farms of which he or his family is the occupant, shall be fined not more than $100.
As a amateur genealogist I value the power of the census. The census has solved numerous issues during difficult research periods and corroborated other sources such as death records and obituaries. As a conservative I also value my privacy and the desire to protect my identity when I'm still on this planet. The current system allows public viewing of the United States Census seventy-two years after the process takes place. In short, we still have two years left before we can view the 1940 census. If the 2010 Census, in it's short form, mirrors the census from the 1800's I believe the privacy argument is flawed if the same or even more information is provided when you send in that yearly 1040 Tax Form?
In closing, I don't believe the White House has ACORN waiting around the corner to slap that $100 fine if you fail to answer the census in its entirety. Glenn Beck will answer at least question one, which is mandated by the Constitution. If you are reading this article then you have some interest in genealogy and the preservation of family history. The census is a valuable research tool and your privacy is protected by the laws in place. The 2010 census will not be available to the public until 2082. Hopefully, by then, our great land will be returned back to the it's people.
Sources: Image provided by United Census: 1900
2010 Census: http://2010.census.gov/2010census/
Jewell Nance Embler Passes
THOMASVILLE-Jewell Nance Embler, 75, passed Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at her residence. Funeral services will be held Saturday, March 13, 2010 at 2 P.M. in Faith Community Chapell Rev. Mike Wetherald officiating. Burial will follow in the church cemetery. Born August 20, 1934 in Davidson County, a daughter of the late Edward Nance and Anna Swing Nance. Preceded in death by her husband Colen Oscar Embler (m.October 23, 1948 );sisters, Irene Howard and Elizabeth Godfrey and brothers, Willie Nance, Frances "Doc" Nance and Garland Nance. Surviving are a daughter, Connie Embler of the home; sons, Donnie Embler and wife Katrina of Thomasville and Ronnie Embler and wife Barbara of Shallotte; a brother, Forrest Nance and wife Sue of Lexington; Grandchildren, Candy Bullabough and Ricky Floyd; and great-grandchildren, Courtney, Tiffany, Anthony, Garrett, Harrison, Makale and Zachary.
Friday, March 12
Sallie Lambeth Gallimore, 102, Dies
THOMASVILLE-Sallie Lambeth Gallimore, 102, passed Wednesday, March 10, 2010. Wake: Saturday, March 13th, 2010 from 6 to 8 pm at JC Green & Sons Funeral Home. A celebration of life will be Sunday, March 14, 2010 at 2 P.M. in J.C. Green & Sons Chapel; Dr. Jeremy Simpson and Rev. Chuck Garner officiating. Burial will follow in Holly Hill Memorial Park Cemetery. Born March 7, 1908 the daughter of the late Elzie and Maggie Grubb Lambeth. Predeceased by her husband, Lytle Gallimore in 1970. Survived by two sisters, Hazel Briles and Magaline Lambeth of Denton; two children, Caroleen Westmoreland and David Baxter Gallimore of Thomasville and a foster daughter, Elizabeth Myers of Thomasville. Survivors also include five grandchildren, Danny Gallimore and wife Lynne of Haw River, Bonnie Gallimore Broadwater and husband Thomas of High Point; Mark Gallimore and wife Carolyn, Terry Brooks and Sherri Hill of Thomasville, and two foster grandchildren, Ted Pierce and wife Misty of Thomasville and Heidi Myers of Raleigh. There are also nine great-grandchildren and six great-great-grandchildren.
Sunday, March 7
Louise Garner Pierce Passes
DENTON-Louise Garner Pierce, 79, passed Monday, March 1, 2010 at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. Graveside services will be held 1:00 PM Thursday, March 4, 2010 at Mountain View Memorial Gardens; Rev. Gene Little officiating. Born April 26, 1930 in Davidson County to Joe Garner and Rillie Hunt Garner. Preceded in death by her husband, Clarence Willis Pierce on July 5, 2009. Survivors include son; Richard Pierce and wife Ruth of Charlotte, brothers; Sidney, Barry, and Ashley Garner all of Denton, sisters; Joann Davis of Denton, Sue Ramsey of Denton, and Wanda Burleson of Burlington, and a granddaughter Maranda Pierce of Oklahoma City, OK.
Saturday, March 6
Erlean Davis Crotts, 97, Passes
LEXINGTON-Erlean Davis Crotts, age 97, passed away Saturday, March 6, 2010. Wake: Davidson Funeral Home from 6:00 until 8:00 pm Monday, March 8, 2010. Funeral service will be held 11:00 am, Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at the Davidson Funeral Home Chapel; Rev. Clyde Akers officiating. Burial will follow at Forest Hill Memorial Park. Born in Stokes County to Frank Edgar Davis and Kate Berry Davis. Preceded in death by her parents, husband Curtis Lee Crotts, Sr.; brothers, Royal, Woodrow, Garland and Carl Davis; sisters, Thelma Staley, Pearl Tysinger and Hazel Freeman. Surviving are: one daughter, Cornelia Coble of Lexington; one son, Curtis Lee Crotts, Jr. and wife Vickey of Lexington; four grandchildren, Rob and Randal Lloyd, Jennifer Nikouyeh and Crystal Crotts; four great-grandchildren; fours sisters, Mabel Kiser and Juanita Davis of Asheboro, Annie Kate Williams of Ramseur and Olivera Williams of Randleman; and a host of nieces and nephews.
Tuesday, March 2
Lucille "Lucy" Lopp Passes
LEXINGTON-Lucille "Lucy" Lopp, 94, passed Tuesday, March 02, 2010, at Hinkle Hospice House. Wake: 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 3, 2010, at Davidson Funeral Home. Funeral will be 3 p.m. Thursday, March 4, 2010, at Liberty Baptist Church; Rev. David Bowman officiating. Burial will follow in the church cemetery. Born on July 11, 1915, to Zeola Anderson Lopp and Farish Furman Lopp. Survived by a sister, Doris Lopp.
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