ISSUE=The BIN has a birth certificate for Lillian Elaine Briles. Her parents are listed as Claude Davenport Briles and Mattie Welborn. Lillian's DOB is Oct. 2, 1948. The certificate lists Claude's age at 45 which should put his birth year around 1903. Mattie is around 1910. Claude was born in Stanley County NC and Mattie is Guilford County. So who is Claude Briles?
FINDINGS: The BIN located an obituary for Robert Briles (the heading said Briles, but his name is really Biles. Claude is listed in the obituary as a brother. The Biles name was confirmed at the cemetery in Stanly County, where Claude was born, and at the register of deeds (marriage and death records). I could not find a marriage listing for Claude and Mattie nor a death certificate for Claude. I did find a marriage license for Claude that puts his age exactly at 1903. He is listed as a Biles. There is NO listings in any records for a Briles, other than a death certificate for Virgil Briles Jr. All are Biles. Now Lillian may be a Briles based on her birth certificate, but this could be in error. At this time, based on circumstantial evidence, the BIN feels that Claude is a Biles and not a Briles. We are 90% sure of this, but we will keep a close eye on any additonal information received.
other cases:Marion Summey Briles is the son of Russell J and Zola Summey Briles. Edith Briles Nance, who was married to Clayton Nance, is the daughter of John William and Lena Hargrave Briles. Any finally, Gertrude Briles Summey, who was married to Jesse Summey, is the daughter of James Edgar and Mary Little Briles. All these can be viewed on the BIN databases by
clicking here.